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Twitter: @My5CuteIdiots
Instagram: @LittleMissDirectionerxx

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Little Miss Second

Ciao my lovelies!
First of all Im really sorry 4 my crappy spelling n grammar n shortcuts 4 this post. The reason behind this is because I am currently posting from my iPhone 3G n yes. Yes I did just name my iPhone correctly. Unlike all you non-naming people of da 21st century! :O Shame on you!
Naaahhh I am just kidding I love you all n I could never be ashamed of you... Well sometimes... You know... When you DONT register on my blog or follow or comment or show ANY sign of existing! But other than that.... xxxxxx <3
So during this weekend, me n my 2 good friends, whom I will not name 4 stalking purposes, had a sleepover. More specifially, an Up All Nighter Sleepover!
Yes we did have a sleepover completely dedicated 2 da five heavenly boys who make me smile no matter what shizzles life throws at me. Now before you start your whole, OMG! What did you do? or OMG! How did you do it? Or GURL! U trippin! Who has a sleepover dedicated 2 1D???
I do okay TIM? Tim is now officially my ghost hater. He will apper everytime I have an example of a hater in my blog n we shall name him Tim - Da Ghost Hater.
So anyway, surprisingly, all we did was just watch their old videos n also watch da DVD's Da Only Way Is Up n da Up All Night concert. Then after that, it was around 2:30 in da morning. So we decided 2 do what all normal, responsible, sensible n smart teenagers would do in our position. We stayed up da whole fudging night having DnM's n talking bout life meanings n philosophical shizzles n ended up awake till around 5 in da morning. Da next day we woke up around 9 n having only around 4 hours of sleep, we stocked up on our caffeine. 4 the rest of da day we just lounged about like lazy bums n all. until my gurlies had 2 go.
Da whole sleepover was related 2 our five adrobale cuties except 4 one part where we deicided to watch this horror/suspense movie called 28 days later.
It was about some rabid monkey virus that turns you into a spastic raging zombie who wanted 2 eat everything with a pulse except 4 another one of THEIR kind. Actually I don't think Zombies have pulses cause they're like part of da undead or some mythological shizzle thing like that. Anyway, da whole sleepover was a bomb n we has da best time n all that shizzle an yeah! Soo that was my main part of da weekend n her in Australia it s cyrrently labour day meaning that it is...... LONG WEEKEND time!
So I wake up this beauiful Monday morning n decided that I wasn't going 2 get outta bed 4 another good half an hour so I decided 2 watch some Ask Kingsley. Ask Kingsley is da name of a series of videos on a youtube channel called ItsKingsleyBitch. Can I just honestly say that that guy is da funniest, loudest n most honest youtuber I have come 2 know. He is iust hilarious. So that was my wake up. When da heavenly half an hour was up I finally decided 2 do some sort of exercise n i got up 2 make some coffee n sit my butt down again. N after my very healthy breakfast of coffee, eggs n bread, I decided 2 post on my wodnerful little blog which has, as far as I know only had 5 reads. But yeah so now here I am talkig 2 all of you reading this n saying...
If you've gotten this far,
1.) Read
2.) Scroll
3.) Type
4.) Use your brain withiut suffering any damage or pain.
5.) Use your eyes without suffering any damage or pain.
So yeah, conratulations guys I'm so proud of you 4 achieving all that. :') They grow up so fast.
So on that happy/sad yet terribly dopey/retarded note, I bid you goodbye! Have a good weekend, live life to da fullest n smile at da good n bad shizzles! :D
Little Miss Directioner

Remember... I know what goes on n how many people actually read my blog n how many of those people join my blog n commnt on my blog n give mefeedback on my blog. So don't think you can get away with just reading my blog... I know where you all live' *Does da whole I've got my eyes on you signal*

My second imagine is also below so yeah ENJOY!! Its a Harry one btw!

<3<3<3 xoxox

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