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Monday 30 December 2013

Who Knew? Long Authors Note

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112 votes

I'm sorry I can't hear you over the harps the angels are playing in heaven. Cause you know. I just died.

I cannot believe you guys. I mean, even though I am probably the worst updater in the history of updaters, you are still reading? What? And all your comments about updating and me needing to update… They literally light up my world. I have no idea how else to thank you. You are ridiculously amazing and I owe you so much.

I am so so so sorry for not updating in ages. If you read my other post on this blog you'll see why. Sometimes the roller coaster we call life just goes a bit too fast that you have no idea where you are at this point. It's pretty much whats happened lately.

Everything is just going on and on and I'm just trying to keep up with everything. But at the same time I'm scared that the waves will be too strong and will pull me in to a point where I can't come back. I really do love the boys and I love my internet life. But things like parents, expectations, obligations and responsibilities has to take priority. If it was up to me I'd spend my days on the internet, sadly no one made me Queen of Everything. So I gotta deal.

I'm not complaining, know that, I mean I am complaining bout the fact that I haven't been able too update but that's not what I meant. I meant that I'm not complaining about how things are the way they are. I know that at one point there will be a time where I am in complete control of my life. I don't have to worry about disappointing my parents, I don't have to worry about passing my test, I don't even have to worry about missing the latest gossip on our boys. There will be a time when that happens.
However while that time is still coming, I'm stuck with what I've got. And that's fine.

All I'm saying is I really do hope you understand why sometimes I don't update in a couple months. Most of the time it will be because I have something else to do, most likely it will be something about school. Sometimes it may be because I have no inspiration on what to write. And maybe sometimes I just don't feel like it. Any of those reasons are fine. You know why? Because I am a human being. A teenage girl at that. I have a life and my readers and stories have no control over what I do.

I love you guys and I love what you've done for me and my story. Really I do. I never imagined it would get this far and I'm profusely thanking you for proving me wrong.

From now on I do plan on taking this story to a new level and I have a few things in mind that I'm sure you guys will get surprised at. I can't wait to continue this journey with you. <3

Hugs and kisses,

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